Saturday, June 03, 2006

On being an anarchist

Below is my line by line refutation of some annoying comments sent to me in a chain letter.

I'm a stranger, I am no American.

I recognize that my feelings are something outside of myself that I'll never truly understand.

I will not own a firearm. It's good for nothing but killing and I'll have nothing to do with it.

Minorities are traditionally victimized in this world and their rights must be defended or no one has any.

I believe the world is one of plurality, not some immaculate monoculture. Speak to me in whatever toungue you have and we'll learn from each other.

God is personal and it's important not to foist our beliefs on others or idoloze our beliefs in thinking that they are perfect and the only way. It's when we do this that we are the most wrong.

I'm trying to give up on the idea of heroes and look for the good in all.

I recognize that the rich are so at the expense of the poor.

There is no America. Only a collective delusion. No nations, no borders, no flags.. I refute their legitimacy, their necessity and their existance. One world, one people.

I think you should worry about your own house, not Jackson's.

I think the cops have no right to shoot anyone. Which part of "thou shalt not kill" is misunderstood?

I believe we should all give up our cars. Then there will be no more traffic stops. And I'll be damned if some Nazi is going to demand my papers when I'm on foot.

I want to be recognized through my relationships, not a picture. God has nothing to do with money and the voting process is flawed, not the voters.

Illegal is a matter of perception. Flags are symbols of a society I don't recognize. I won't worship cloth.

I guess that makes me an anarchist. Maybe you're one, too.


dearjeremiah said...

Good...I'm not alone! There is an interesting crew of Christian Anarchists at may be worth checking out.

Angela said...

Why are you attributing this piece to George Carlin? On the page you link to, it says he didn't write it.

beckyandsteve said...

I stand corrected. The attribution has beenn changed!

Anonymous said...

oh, you.

Matt said...

hey bro i look forward to reading your article on gay families. it was good meeting you, i look forward to hanging out more down at the house church next week.

ps. you are the fence master.

ken said...

right on about cars! a little prayer i've been reciting a lot lately is this: thank you for thwarting our drive to annihilation. does it (prayer) work? we'll see. i figure we all gotta start somewhere.

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