Saturday, November 01, 2008

After we arrived in Berkeley it began to rain hard so we hitchhiked with another dad and son we met in downtown Berkeley to a child/parent activity center in NW Berkeley.

After we arrived in Berkeley it began to rain hard so we hitchhiked with another dad and son we met in downtown Berkeley to a child/parent activity center in NW Berkeley.

It's nice though not as nice as a Hamilton County park space. Six rooms with a small jungle gym and slide, dollhouses, a concert area and dance space. $7 for EACH of us (!)

Anyway, we had fun. The place is like Adar care where you have to stay with your kid. It necessary I guess if you're isolated by your affluence. These people don't think of themselves as wealthy but then neither do we.

There's a party --octoberfest -- tonight at sojourners we'll try to attend.

We walked (Uly in the stroller) from the activity center after 2.75 hrs of play. MpStopped at nearby chipotle for late lunch at 1:30. Uly slept after that all the way thru a 1 hr walk in the rain and while I browsed at an electric car dealership.

We're kinds soggy now and riding the train to its southern terminus to pass some time before the party.

Steve Novotni

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