Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A happy post in a sad week

The 1992 Toyota Corolla base model is the medium brown dog of cars, a true bastion of mediocrity. It was exactly what we wanted, a $425, 200,000 miles on the odo replacement for our 2004 Toyota Camry V6 LE with 39,000 miles on the clock.

I inherited the Camry from mom. It was the nicest car I ever owned. It was hard to let it go, but we did, for $12,500. The day after I sold it, I sat down and paid $6,500 in bills. The IRS, student loans, the tax bill on my mom's house and more. All paid. It felt damn good. Better than a vacation. Better than a massage. The brown dog runs great and we're very happy with scaling down. I do have to say I miss keyless entry. 33mpg will make up for it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve and Becky... When it rains it pours. Whoa you guys have been struck by a lot of saddness. I am very sorry for your loss.

On a more positive note... that baby is sooooo cute. I can't believe how big he is getting.

And Adam and I have had to many of the same finance moves too. We to can relate to the weight taken off your chest by ridding yourself of debt or at least some of the struggle. I drove a crap box for a long time, many told us we were "dumb" and how can you be seen in that. But we gained so much not just financially but emotionally too. Hopefully, god willing, things will turn up for you guys. We should get together soon.

All our thoughts and prayers,

Jessica Timpe and Family

Give me a call sometime