Thursday, December 20, 2007

It's all pretty much the same to me

I try to be no more a connoisseur than I am a fetishist. By that, I mean that cheap coffee is okay by me (at least the taste is, though I try and support fair trade products when possible. I'm just using this as an example, okay?) and so is cheap bourbon (there again, though, I have more or less given up drinking, so this is just an example). Likewise, a holiday is pretty much the same as another day to me, with the exceptions of time off for reflection and meeting with family and friends. I don't like the idea of fetishizing days of the year. We should behave one way, decently, all year round. I'm writing all this to say that I've had the sense from some people I know that they think I might be down because this is the first holiday without Mom. And, that's only true - it being harder around the holidays - if I thought better of those days than I do others. Which I do not.

- Steve

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